Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On How I Wanted to Spend My 21st Birthday / On How I Spent My 21st Birthday

For those of you that spoke to me in the weeks leading up to my departure from Connecticut for my semester in DC, this will be repetitive. I had a poetic plan for how I wanted to spend my 21st birthday. It went something like this....

"My plan is to wear my new suit, look extra nice, and ruin the image by wearing my light up shoes. I want to go out to a bar and dance to Lady Gaga and just let loose. I want this to last for the entire night and somehow make my way to the Lincoln Memorial. Once I'm at the Lincoln memorial, I want to undo my tie and top button and sit on the steps looking at the Washington monument. I want to sit there, drink red wine from a bottle in a paper bag, and watch the sun rise over Washington."

That was my original plan and I thought it was beautiful.

Here is what really happened:

On the night of March 1, at approximately 11:35, a troupe of 18 women from the CIW program (and my roommate Mike) paraded into my room. At the head of the procession (keep that wording in mind because a pun is coming up [keep that wording in mind, too]) was a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. In the shape of a penis. With cream filling in the middle. I ate the tip. Seriously.

Once the cake was consumed (I almost used swallowed there), a small contingent of the cake brigade and I set out to The BrickSkeller, a beer bar with over 1000 different type of beer. We were seated by a man with dreadlocks who gave us our menus. There were a ton of different type of beers and I was overwhelmed by the choices. Following some advice from a Rubel-friend, I ordered a Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. Our dreadlocked beertender complement on my choice.

When he returned with the bottle, he placed it down, poured it into my glass, and said "This is a Beer Drinker's beer." I felt extremely manly. After one beer, the troupe returned home, knowing full well that we had to wake up in 5 hours and go to work.

I arose at 6 am, got dressed, and headed out to work. I got to sit in on oral arguments at the court and saw a historical case - McDonald v. Chicago. The justices absolutely destroyed main counsel on both sides of the case. The only lawyer that withstood the blows was the NRA lawyer, who performed admirably, almost beautifully, in front of the Justices.

After that, I was complement by a real-life woman about my suit. The secretary of the clerk said that she liked me shirt-tie-suit combination. Having dressed myself that day without calling my mom the night before, I felt great.

The Boy Scouts of America presented me with a medal today because I helped give them a great tour.

I attended happy hour at a bar for the first time. Alcohol is expensive.

I returned how, was treated to a dinner with the CIW program by a visiting Cornell group, was sung to by the CIW group, and received a free cupcake.

I have, in my room, a full tray of brownies, an angel food cake, the remnants of the penis cake (now stale and hard), 100 hershey kisses, home baked cookies, Trader Joe's cookies, and Korean ramen noodles (thanks, Lena).

And that was my 21st birthday.

1 comment:

  1. of course you had to work in a concluding joke about the penis cake being hard....
