Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recap and laying groundwork for future posts

Why I'm in DC - there seems to be some confusion, so allow me to guide you out of the george-jungle: I am participating in Cornell's "Cornell in Washington" program, which is an internship-research program. This involves working 3-4 days a week (4 for me) and a large research project (mini-thesis) on a public policy. I am interning at the Supreme Court, Office of the Clerk and am researching the recent Car Allowance Rebate System (Cash for Clunkers) policy and whether it can stimulate long-term growth in the automotive sector or if it was just an attempt to jumpstart an engine that is destined to die (get the imagery there? Cars? Jumpstart? Engine?).

I live in the Cornell Center, which is a building housing only Cornell students near Dupont Circle. It is on O Street in the northwest quadrant (DC is set up in quadrants or something? I have yet to figure that one out). There are around 50 people in total living in the center and everyone is doing something different for research and for work.

I have two roommates - Mike and Terry - in my apartment. Despite it being a triple, we have plenty of space.

I'm trying to get all the boring stuff out now so that later posts will make more sense.

So a list of the things I've done already (photos on facebook if you want to see them - I've documented most things):

Museum of Natural History, Newseum, stood outside the White House, Jefferson Monument (daytime), Lincoln Monument (daytime), Protested for a cause I didn't quite understand with a hippie that didn't really understand either (Connie), went to an overpriced nightclub and got charged extra for not being a girl, received complements on my light up shoes (yes!), met the Clerk of the Supreme Court William Suter, been in 2000 person snowball fight, eaten decent sushi, got a great and manly burger...... not sure what else there is right now.

Anyway, expect future posts to focus on a couple things (or one) rather than a summary of what's going on. And probably funnier than this one.

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